- proclamation no. 1051 _2017 Coffee Marketing and Quality Control
- Proclamation No. 1065/2018 Forest Development, Conservation and Utilization Proclamation
- Proclamation No.1073/2018 Raw Hides and Skins Marketing (amendment) Proclamation
- seed Proclamation no. 782/2013
- Veterinary Drug and Feed Administration and Control Proclamation no. 728/2011
- Apiculture Resources Development and Protection Proclamation 660/2009
- Coffee Quality Control and Marketing Proclamation no. 602/2008
- Transfer of Rights and Obligations of Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Proclamation no. 593/2008
- Ethiopian Wildlife Development and Conservation Authority Establishment Proclamation no. 575/2008
- Forest Development, Conservation and Utilization Proclamation no. 542/2007
- Development Conservation and Utilization of Wildlife Proclamation no. 541/2007
- Ethiopian Organic Agriculture System Proclamation no. 488/2006
- Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization Establishment {Amendment) Proclamation 382/2004
- Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research Establishment /Amendment! Proclamation 381/2004
- Fisheries Development and Utilization Proclamation No. 315-2003
- Animal Diseases Prevention and Control Proclamation no. 267/12002
- Ethiopian Agricultural Sample Enumeration Commission Establishment Proclamation no. 238/2001
- Seed Proclamation no. 206/2000 Repealed by proclamation 782/2013
- Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization Proclamation 79/1997