- Proclamation No. 1246/2021 Ethiopia’s Overseas Employment Proclamation Amendment
- The New Labor Proclamation proclamation no. 1156
- Proclamation No. 1063/2017 Maritime Labour by the International Labour Convention Ratification Proclamation
- proclamation no. 923 Ethiopia’s Overseas Employment Proclamation
- Tripartite Consultation (International Labor Standards)
Convention Ratification Proclamation no. 709/2011 - Employment Exchange Services Proclamation 632/2009
- Right to Employment of Persons with Disability Proclamation no. 568/2008
- Labor (Amendment) Proclamation no. 494/2006
- Labor (Amendment) Proclamation no. 466/2005
- Labor Proclamation No. 377/2003
- Convention on forced or Compulsory Labor Ratification Proclamation no. 336/2003
- Convention Concerning Prohibition and immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of child Labor Ratification Proclamation no. 335/2003
- International Labor Organization Conventions Ratification Proclamation 152/1999
- Constitution of the International Labor Organization Instrument of Amendment Ratification Proclamation 128/1998
- Private Employment Agency Proclamation no. 104/1998
Directives (external link)
- የሠራተኛ ቅነሣ ስለሚፈፀምበት ሥነ ስርዓት የወጣ መመሪያ ቁጥር 43/2013 (labor reduction procedure directive) መመሪያ ቁጥር 43-2013.pdf
- ለውጭአገርዜጎችየሥራፈቃድየሚሰጥበትንሁኔታለመወሰንተሻሽሎየወጣመመሪያቁጥር 44/2013 (foreign workers permit) መመሪያ ቁጥር 44-2013.pdf
- የግል ሥራና ሠራተኛ አገናኝ ኤጀንሲዎች በሀገር ውስጥ በሥራ ስምሪት አገልግሎት ስለሚሰጡበት ሁኔታ ለመወሰን የወጣ መመሪያ ቁጥር 45/2013 (overseas employment directive) መመሪያ ቁጥር 45-2013.pdf
- የሌበር አታሼ ተግባር፤ ኃላፊነትና አሰራርን ለመወሰን የወጣ መመሪ ቁጥር 49/2013 (labor attaché) መመሪያ ቁጥር 49-2013.pdf