- Constitutional and Federalism Indoctrination Center Establishment Proclamation no. 1123
- Proclamation No.1114/2019 Amendment of the House of Peoples’ Representatives Secretariat Establishment
- Proclamation no. 906 Secretariat of the House of Peoples’ Representatives
- The Secretariat of the House of Peoples’ Representatives Establishment (Amendment) Proclamation No.
519/2007 - House of Peoples' Representatives Legislative Procedure, Committees Structure and Working Proclamation Proc. no. 271/2002
- Recess and Time-in-Session of the House of Peoples' Representatives (Amendment) Proclamation No. 263/2002
- Loss of Mandate of Members of the House of People's Representatives Proclamation No. 88/1997
- Recess and Time-in-Session of the House of Peoples' Representatives Proclamation No. 32/1996
- the House of Peoples representatives Legislative Procedure (Amendment) Proclamation No. 33/1996 (repealed by proc. no. 271/2002)
- the House of Peoples' representatives Legislative Procedure Proclamation No. 14/1995 (repealed by proc. no. 271/2002)
- Establishment of the Secretariat of the House of Peoples' Representatives and of the House of the Federation Proclamation No. 13/1995