18199 civil procedure/ execution of judgment/ sale by public auction Civil procedure code Execution of judgement volume 3 civil procedure sale by public auction Federal supreme court of Ethiopia cassation decisions cassation procedure execution of judgment public auction በጨረታ ለገዛው ንብረት ገዢ ዋጋውን ሳይከፍል ወይም ግዴታውን ሳይፈጽም ከቀረ ፍርዱን የሚያስፈጽመው ፍ/ቤት ሊከተለው ስለሚገባው ስነ-ስርዓት የፍ/ብ/ሥ/ሥ/ህ/ቁ. 429 Cassation decision no. 18199 '